Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My sweet lass'

What can I say. There is just something about being a father of daughters! They bring a tenderness to my rugged heart.

Fostering "Sadie"

So this dog just showed up at our house one day and stayed for six weeks. In a day she stopped biting; after two she was sleeping with Alithia; and by the end of the week she was housebroken, crate trained and on verbal and hand commands! Mack helped out a lot!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

"If I am the Dutchess what is she?"

Daddy enjoying His blessed new little girl.

Erin GO BraUGH!

Allow us to introduce to you Alithia Helen Grace Downing. She was born September 29th at 1954 hours, weighing in at a delicate (Amy's words) 6 lbs. 10 oz. and 19.5 inches long.

We had a slow labor but the delivery was incredibly fast and flawless. All of three pushes and the doctor barely had the time to put his hands into gloves to catch this kid.

Doctor's First Comment: "She looks just like her sister!" [and for those of you who don't know it yet but her sister...Emily...looks exactly like her DAD!!!]

Description: Petite, with long fingers that match her long legs and long arms. Not to mention, a full head of red, yes I said red hair, light copper [Erin go Braugh!]